How do we get the proper link to cite our sources, if we got our sources from EBSCO?


In EBSCO, there is an option to generate a citation. Look for the " icon. This is an automatically generated citation so you'll want to check it against the citation style guidelines.  If you are asking how would you include a link in your citation to an EBSCO citation this depends on the citation style you are using. 

In APA you would not include any database information or EBSCO url but use an article DOI if available. Here is more on this:

In MLA you would include the name of the database in your citation and include the DOI if available (scroll to An Article from an Online Database) :

It's also a good idea to check with your instructor on these things. While it may not be required by your citation style, many professors prefer you to include a link to the source from EBSCO. To find a link that will work for your BGSU readers, on the EBSCO source page use the share arrow icon to "create link" and use that link in your citation.




  • Last Updated Nov 05, 2024
  • Views 5
  • Answered By Vera Lux, Reference Services Librarian

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